
Positive Energy Equals Success

Attraction is a cardinal universal law. When we give, we attract gain. We are all spiritual brings. This is the cord that binds us as humans. Spirit is always for greater expansion and fuller expression - never for disintegration. It is for this reason that we all seek to do, have and become more. When we honestly seek to be of service to others, we satisfy their need for increase and fuller expression of their spirits in one way or another. It must be clear to all who interact with us that we take pride in doing this - giving... and we have got to innately understand that our giving results in our being given. An integral aspect of giving is that we embrace it as a way of life. It must be spontaneous. If you find yourself debating on whether or not to give, it means you have not properly understood the law of attraction. You are considering what is in it for you before you give. You’re also considering how much to give. That is not how it works. Don’t expect your giving to...

How To Safeguard and Fund Your Social Innovations

Social entrepreneurs are people whose innovations are able to solve social problems in a community. Usually, not for profit, social entrepreneurship is a rising global trend that is also taking root in Kenya. The main goal for a social entrepreneur is to solve a problem as opposed to making profits. Social entrepreneurs are able to attract funding due to their nature. There are investors who are keen on investing in causes that are good for society at large. Such investors’ goals are to spend money on ventures that are ethical. It is therefore easy for a good social investment to attract funding from ethical investors. Some social innovations include green innovations which promote environmental preservation.  Others include health, education, agriculture and any other innovation that is deemed to be good for society. The first step in undertaking a social innovation is to identify a need. Most innovators  have harnessed bad personal experiences to produce innovations t...

How To Save Money In Your Small Start-Up Business

Cutting operational costs in your business is a quick way to free up money that you can invest. Here are a few ideas: • Share office space with another small business or adopt a virtual business model , which doesn’t need a physical office, saving you on rent and operational costs. • Run your business in the cloud . You can access just about all your business management software in the cloud, which means you don’t need to invest in expensive hardware and the skills to maintain it. Cloud-based accounting solutions also help you manage your inventory, so money isn’t tied up in surplus stock. • Pay invoices on time to avoid interest and late payment fees. Take advantage of early payment discounts. • Cut down on meetings so your team can focus on strategic functions . Hold important meetings over Skype or Zoom to save time and money on traveling. • Outsource ad hoc work, like design and copy-writing to freelancers rather than hiring a full-time resource. Hire i...

The Smart Way To Make Your Money Grow In Your Youthful Age

Investment is an art that every individual must learn as he starts his work life and earns his livelihood. When you are fresh out of college and into your first job, you have relatively less responsibilities, sufficiently good surplus money and ample avenues to spend. There would not be anybody questioning you on how much you spend or how much you save. The first lesson one must indoctrinate when you start your work life is that instead of saving what is left after spending, one should inculcate a habit of spending what is left after saving. Money saved is money earned! first invest in yourself; there is no better investment than education which will fetch you a better job and a rewarding career. Read as much as you can, even if it is not related to the stream you are working in or operating in. There are many asset classes one can invest in. One should not be apologetic about making money; the choice of investment vehicle should be such that it creates wealth ove...

Factors To Consider Before Setting Up Any Business

While it is not impossible, it is difficult to create substantial wealth from a salary income alone. However, it may be possible to do so if you have alternative sources of income, popularly known as passive income. Passive income is that income which you earn without active participation in the cash generation activity. Broadly speaking, passive income means letting your money to work for you while you work elsewhere to earn a salary. This means you use your salary to start a business which can generate a regular income for you. Perhaps this is the same way that your current employers started their business, that is, using capital derived from their past salaries to generate even more returns to strengthen their net worth. It is even possible that their participation in the business is minimal with only a few of them involved directly in its day to day running, instead hiring directors to oversee the operation and the affairs of the company on their behalf. ...

Do The Unusual To Hit Your Potential

  Only the individuals who are ready to embrace the ever-changing environment emerge as leaders. Individuals who understand that to fully appreciate and align themselves with any organisation's goals, they must raise their self-awareness to establish own personal goals. Those who understand the importance of personal discipline in raising their calibre of contribution to personal, professional and social interactions. These are people who master the power of habit for effective, consistent, relevant and timely execution of their aspirations. They take it upon themselves to raise the bar of organisational mindsets and overall culture by personifying the leadership traits that they would like to experience. We all know people like these. We see them scale corporate ladders and increase their spheres of influence within and outside their organisations. They establish themselves as unrivalled “go-to” people in their industries. We admire them because they continu...

Once Upon A Time - Thoughts

What if I read you a story, Starting, "Once Upon A Time," and you realize that it was your life spelt out on every line? Would you hear my voice with wonder as it brushed across each word, and pray my arms had strength to hold, The truth about your world? Would your view on life be different? And would it shock you most to find, That the things you thought defined you, Could be summed in just two lines, And all the ones you took for granted, The ins and out of every day, Play a bigger part in who you are, Than you'd ever dare to say? Would you wonder at the pages left, And all the places that they'll lead, Then vow to make each moment, One that you'd be proud to read? Because there is a story of your life, But its you that holds the pen, And I hope you fill the pages right before you reach the end.  If there's empty spaces in your heart, They'll make you feel it's wrong,  Like having empty spaces, Means you never can be strong. But, I've learn...