Positive Energy Equals Success
Attraction is a cardinal universal law. When we give, we attract gain. We are all spiritual brings. This is the cord that binds us as humans. Spirit is always for greater expansion and fuller expression - never for disintegration. It is for this reason that we all seek to do, have and become more. When we honestly seek to be of service to others, we satisfy their need for increase and fuller expression of their spirits in one way or another. It must be clear to all who interact with us that we take pride in doing this - giving... and we have got to innately understand that our giving results in our being given. An integral aspect of giving is that we embrace it as a way of life. It must be spontaneous. If you find yourself debating on whether or not to give, it means you have not properly understood the law of attraction. You are considering what is in it for you before you give. You’re also considering how much to give. That is not how it works. Don’t expect your giving to...